About Us


Our Story

Root Bound Sustainability Co. started in 2020 with the goal to be more than just a small organic farm. In our beginning years we are operating a small scale mixed regenerative farm, compost and soil production, waste recovery programs as well as offer consulting to local growers and businesses.

We aspire to continue to grow our farm and to increase our impact on the local community in which we serve. We will always continue to challenge expectations and assumptions by constantly paying attention to every detail to maximize sustainability in everything we do.

Producing healthy food with ecological and natural systems is not our only goal to be a part of a sustainable future, but to provide accessibility to our local community to be more sustainable as well.

Jordan Dirom

Owner, Operater

Jordan discovered a passion for gardening in 2016. Starting out with a small kitchen garden and no experience, he quickly realized this was going to be a part of his life.

During his post secondary education for Civil Engineering, he recognized the emphasis for sustainability being involved in everything taught. It was easy to realize that so many of our worlds sustainability challenges are elevated by the way our current food systems are operating. Jordan knew he could leave the engineering world behind in capable hands to pursue a career supporting sustainability within small scale agriculture.

During the initial years Jordan developed a strong interest in soil health, soil biology and the vast mystery involved in composting. On top of hundreds of hours of research he also  studied compost science and soil microbiology  under Dr. Elaine Ingham and is in the process of becoming a registered Soil Food Web Consultant. His goal is to continue to expand the production capabilities of the farm and to work with other growers, farms and business to become more sustainable.

Bri Clark

Co Owner, Partner

While assisting with day to day operations within the business and on the farm, Bri is on a journey to expand Root Bound’s impact by incorporating more value to the business. She is passionate about health and wellness and wants to continue to highlight the positive impacts on our health, society and environement that we can provide.

She is currently exploring growing flowers, medicinal herbs, personal training, and encouraging healthy minds and bodies.


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