CONTACT FOR ORDERS: Jordan 250-510-4626 , rootboundsc@gmail.com

Delivery Rate: $80/Hour. 4-5 yards per load. 2 yard minimum for delivery. Area must be easily accessible for a pickup truck with 10ft long dump trailer. Mimum delivery charge $50

On farm pick ups by appointment only.

We personally will only be doing local deliveries this year. Duncan south to Mill Bay, North to Ladysmith. Locations outside this area will have to go through a third party trucking company.


All purpose living compost made to the highest standard. A perfect blend of sea, forest and farm. A blend of wild fish and crustacean scraps, cow and horse manure, spent hay and animal feed in a carbon base of animal bedding and hardwood bark. Aerobically composted, fully matured, screened to 3/4”.  

The addition of large amounts of crustaceous material (Shrimp, crab etc) adds a significant amount of chitin and chitinase producing bacteria. Chitinase is the enzyme that certain bacteria produce to break down chitin, a polymer that makes up the exoskeletin of crustaceans and insects. When high amounts of these enzymes and bacteria are present in the soil it triggers immune as response in the plants which increases protien in the cell wall of the plant tissue to better protect against insects. Also these bacteria will inhibit the activity of crustaceous soil pests such as wireworms. 

Nutritional/Fertility Value : High

Structure: Fine-Tilthy

Biological Diversity: High

Humus Content: High

Annual Garden Application: 1-2″ as an annual soil ammendment or no dig mulch. Can be used and planted into immediatley after applying. 

Top Dressing: 1/4-1/2″ as a top dress or biological stimmulant around plants or on lawns and landscape gardens. Water or irrigate immediatley after applying, or cover with mulch.

Mixing: Use up to 50% as a potting soil mix. Seed starting mix requires additional sieving to 1/4″.

Biological Innoculum: Compost Extract; Use a couple heaping handfuls in a mesh bag placed in a bucket of unchlorinated water. Massage the bag in the water for 1-2 minutes. Poor contents of the bucket onto the soil within 1 hour of mixing.

All prices are plus 5% GST

$120 / Cubic Yard. 765L

$10 / Bag . 30L



Ammending Soil:

When starting new blocks we apply a small amount of about 1/2 inch covering before or after working soil to form new beds. This application kick starts the soil food web ecosystem by applying a vast number of diverse benneficial organisms, organic matter and nutrtion. We choose this compost for that purpose as it is the most dynamic and diverse of the compost we make.

No Dig:

This compost is suited for all transplanting and direct seeding as a mulching layer. However, we typically only resever this as a mulch layer for direct seeded carrots or radishes as it has the best tilth of the differnt products we make. We also use this in combination of other mulches fot high value heavier feeding crops such as cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes. 

Potting Soil:

We use this compost as the bulk of our seed starting and potting soil mixes.


All purpose living compost made to the highest standard. A perfect blend of sea, forest and farm. A blend of wild fish and crustacean scraps, horse manure, spent hay and animal feed in a carbon base of animal bedding and shredded woodchips or soft wood bark. Aerobically composted, fully matured, screened to 3/4”.  

This product is slightly more coarse in texture and higher in carbon content compared to Fish Plus Compost. We make this product similar to Sea Mulch but opt to use finer woodchip material aswell as more fish scraps for higher nitrogen content.

The addition of large amounts of crustaceous material (Shrimp, crab etc) adds a significant amount of chitin and chitinase producing bacteria. Chitinase is the enzyme that certain bacteria produce to break down chitin, a polymer that makes up the exoskeletin of crustaceans and insects. When high amounts of these enzymes and bacteria are present in the soil it triggers immune as response in the plants which increases protien in the cell wall of the plant tissue to better protect against insects. Also these bacteria will inhibit the activity of crustaceous soil pests such as wireworms. 

Nutritional/Fertility Value : Moderate

Structure: Tilthy

Biological Diversity: High

Humus Content: High

Annual Garden Application: 1-2″ as an annual soil ammendment or no dig mulch. Can be used and planted into immediatley after applying.

Top Dressing: 1/4-1/2″ as a top dress or biological stimmulant around plants or on lawns and landscape gardens. Water or irrigate immediatley after applying, or cover with mulch.

All prices will have 5% GST added.

$90 / Cubic Yard. 765L

$9/ Bag




Ammending Soil:

This compost is suited for all transplanting and direct seeding as a mulching layer. We mainly use this product from plants that like a more balanced fungal:Bacterial ratio such as onions, tomatoes, some root crops and greens.

All purpose vegetable garden compost made with a blend of animal manures and farm wastes. Cow manure, horse manure, and spent animal feed make up the high nitrogen and nutritional componet of this blend, balanced out with the carbon of fine wood fibre bedding, hay and straw. Aerobically composted, fully matured. Because larger woody material is not used for this product it is not nessisary to be screened. The high humus content also makes screening difficult in the more humid months. During the drier times of the year this product may be available screened at 3/4″ which produces a more consistent product.

Unscreened may contain <5% larger wood pieces do to the production area being on a compacted wood chip sruface. 

Nutritional/Fertility Value : Moderate

Structure: Dense-Fine/Tilthy

Biological Diversity: Moderate

Humus Content: Moderate

Annual Garden Application: 1-2″ as an annual soil ammendment or no dig mulch. Can be used and planted into immediatley after applying.

Top Dressing: 1/2″ as a top dress or biological stimmulant around plants or on lawns and landscape gardens. Water or irrigate immediatley after applying, or cover with mulch.

Mixing: Use up to 30% As a potting soil or container soil blend. Be sure to incorporporate material for structure and drainage.

$70 / Cubic Yard. 765L


This is our go-to No Dig mulch application for all heavier feeding annuals that prefer a more bacterial dominated soil such as brocolli, cabbage and other brassicas. This compost works great for all other crops as well, however we tend to not use this material in layers thicker than 1-2″ as to not overload the potassium and phosphourous load on the soil due to the higher manure content. 

Compost Soil Blends


All purpose premium garden soil for organic veggies, flowers, or plants of any kind. The same starting materials as the fish plus and farm blend compost is blended with a small amount of silt clay topsoil and a minimal amount of sand. The material is then treated just as if it was a compost pile and actively managed aerobically. The final product is fully matured, free of weed seed, and ready to use. Screened at 3/4”. 

Nutritional/Fertility Value : Moderate-High

Structure: Fine/Tilthy

Biological Diversity: Moderate

Humus Content: High

Annual Garden Application: Can be used to build up an existing garden space or used to ammend existing soil.


Raised Beds; This material is suitable medium for filling raised garden beds and boxes. Additional ammendments may not be required right away, but depending on the plants grown small amounts of frequent nutritional or soil structure ammendments may be needed.

Containers and Planter boxes; The recommendation would be to add 1/3 potting soil mix to increase water retention and air holding capacity and a complete organic fertilizer to sustain nutrition requirements. Alternatives to conventional peat and perlite potting mix could be; Stone pumice or aged bark is for improving air retention and drainage, or Leaf mold and coco coir for water retention and structure.  When plants are grown in limited space they will quickly use up available resources including nutrients and water.

$85/ Cubic Yard. 765L

$9 / Bag . 30L

We use small amounts of this product as a mulch layer for direct seeding carrots, greens or other small seeds when fish plus is not needed for the additional nutrition. 

Container soil mixes. When making a soil mix for large potted plants, this mix makes up the bulk of the mix along with other materials for water retention, structure and drainage. 

Compost Mulches

All purpose high nutrient compost mulch most ideal for perennial garden beds or annual vegetable gardens. A perfect blend of sea, forest and farm. A blend of fish and crustacean scraps, horse manure, spent hay and animal feed in a carbon base of animal bedding and shredded wood chips. Aerobically composted, fully matured. This product is not screened.

Nutritional/Fertility Value : Moderate

Structure: Fine-Coarse

Biological Diversity: Moderate

Humus Content: Moderate

Annual Garden Application: Can be used to mulch long season annual plants such as squash, kale, tomatoes peppers etc.

No Dig: It is not recommended to use this material to create no dig garden beds but it is a great option for annual mulch application. A 2 inch layer placed at least several weeks for planting allows for woodier bits to come to the  surface. A light raking will rake this aside into pathways and leave a fine tilthy planting surface underneath. It is not recommended for direct seeding of small seeds such as carrots, but is suited for transplants of all species of plants.

Ornamental Landscape  or Flower Beds: This product is an excellent alternative to bark mulch for landscape garden beds. It adds nutritional fertilty, biological diversity and organic matter that surpases standard bark bulch. Its dark brown colour and mixed texture appearance confidently matches the astetic appearance of bark.

$70/ Cubic Yard. 765L

This product is the one we use the most of. Its suitable for all No Dig mulch purposes when only thin annual layers are needed. All crops can be planted directly into is so long as the soil underneath is suitable for rooting into. 


Compost mulch most ideal for deep compost mulch with transplanted plants or large seeds. Perfect for no dig gardening. Due to this materials high carbon and humus content, it can be used in large amounts without overdoing any nutrients.  This is a compost mixture of stable waste including horse manure, spent hay and feed, and softwood carbon bedding. Aerobically composted, fully matured. This product is not screened. 

Nutritional/Fertility Value : Low

Structure: Fine-Coarse

Biological Diversity: Moderate

Humus Content: Moderate

Annual garden application: Due to the high carbon content this product not recommended to be worked into soil as conditioner. It can be used as a surface mulch that can be planted directly into so long as the soil underneath is adequate. 

No Dig: It is not recommended to use this material to create no dig garden beds but it is a great option for annual mulch application. Can be used as little as 1″ for a basic covering or up to 4″  for a deep soil building and weed preventing layer. It is not recommended for direct seeding of small seeds such as carrots, but is suited for transplants of all species of plants. It is recommended to add complete organic fertilizers or ammendments especially for heavy feeding plants. 

What we use it for: Building up thick organuc matter layers by using it as a deep mulch for potatoes, brassicas, garlic and legumes (peas and beans)


Prices will have 5% GST added.

$50/ Cubic Yard. 765L Un-Screened

We use this product when building up organic matter volume in beds. Since this product can be used in such thick mulch layers, we tend to use this in areas that are lacking and plant legumes or potatoes in these beds so the following year only thin annual applications of mulch are needed.


Compost based living seed starting mix for any types of seeds or sizes of containers including small plus trays and soil blocking.

Finely screened at 1/4″. Compost based with a minimal amount of peat moss and perlite. Additional organic ammendments ; greensand, bloodmeal and rock phosphate, are addded to ensure seeds have all the nutrients they need from the moment of sprouting until the time they are ready to be planted.

Nutritional/Fertility Value : moderate-high

Structure: super fine

Biological Diversity: Moderate

Humus Content: Moderate

Use for all seed seed starting needs.


Prices will have 5% GST added.

$425 – 800L Sling Tote

$60 – 100L tote

$20- 30L Bag

We use this mix for all our seed starting 

This Area is Widget-Ready